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JNTUGV Finance Club Website

MERNA Blogging app made using MERN Stack Technology for Finance Club Students at JNTUGV (Our College)JNTUGV Finance Club GitHubFinance Club Website

Employee Stress Prediction

FLASK APPConstructed a Model (Employee Stress Prediction), Documented the Model, Constructed a basic web app using Flask, and Deployed it using AWS.Employee Stress Prediction GitHubEmployee Stress Prediction App

Bill me

MERNA comprehensive web application revolutionizing shopkeeper's billing process and financial managementBill me GitHubNot available

CGPA Calculator

HTML CSS AND JSThis calculator calculates the minimum average you should get for achieving your goal CGPA!CGPA Calculator GitHubCGPA Calculator

My Design Folder

CategoryDescriptionGoogle Drive
Graphics designingThis Folder contains all of my designsMy Design Folder

Developed using VitePress